“I remember…”

I found this piece by my friend – an ecstatic, proud and grateful parent, such a great inspiration and encouragement that I couldn’t resist sharing…

I remember it like it was yesterday…. when my daughter’s Tutor at her Prep school said, she would need to be assessed by an Educational Psychologist…hmmtola-they-did-it

5 years ago, the Educational Psychologist told us a load of things…concluding my daughter would only be able to string no more than 5-letter words…hmm

I recall thinking she wouldn’t be able to spell ‘International’…. hmm

I heard a voice say to me, keep quiet and reject her report, pronouncements…. hmm.

5 years down the line, recalling her achievements….13+ Common Entrance Examination, she got the best results in ENGLISH in the whole of her Year group (the scholar classes inclusive).
GCSE Results- She gets ONLY A* and A’s.
..GOD + man = SUPERNATURAL. With God all things are possible. I’m forever grateful, Lord. 
Only you will l praise…l have no other God (song).

Parents take heed…whose report do you believe? 
Let those that have ears hear!!!! Selah

Congratulations once again my dear Tola, truly proud of your daughter…well done!

Some of the “take-aways” for me are:

  1. Don’t give up no what the “experts” say.
  2. Remain positive…Remain grateful
  3. Take the necessary steps towards achieving the goal.
  4. Water the seed of greatness in your child by praying and speaking the right words over them.

Don’t miss out on this and many more parenting gist follow www.parentinvestment.com and spread the word. Gracias!

Shared with Tola Odulate’s permission.

9 thoughts on ““I remember…”

  1. Awesome testimony!!
    Believing the report of man other than God is dangerous and derailing. Always stay focused on the report of God, trusting and holding firm to God’s promises. Tough as it usually seems, his word works.
    To Tola ,her family ,teachers and others that helped to make this happen what can I imagine or say…Thank God for his special grace on your lives.
    To her daughter a great fighter and achiever indeed…destined for greatness.!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Faith inspiring. As a parent of a child with dyspraxia who has herself been a fighter, overcoming many obstacles, I am again filled with limitless hope after reading this piece. Thank God.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very inspiring! So often we tend to let the voice of man cloud our minds buto no more! GOD rules and He reigns and it is His Voice we shall harken to! God bless your daughter Tola and may she continually be a sign and a wonder to her generation giving Glory to God ALMIGHTY! AMEN!

    Liked by 1 person

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